  • ...
    Instalment Option £ 10,000
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    Duration 3 Days
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    Pedagogy Classroom


22nd - 26th January, 2024




Hilton Hotel, Al Habtoor City, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Special Executive Masters Programme (S.E.M.P)

This programme is geared at enhancing working executives' careers. The SEMP is an encapsulated Senior Management Programme for the High Performance Managers and Directors who work in critical roles and need an intensive course to cover the key areas that drive success and profit in business today.

What makes us different ?

We are a dynamic multicultural community that educates, inspires, and connects some of the world’s most forward-thinking business talent. We flip the traditional approach to education by using learning-by-doing experiences to transform students' skillset.

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Programme Impact

Your opportunities just went global

Be open to change, innovation and big thinking. To new experiences and diverse perspectives.

We offer a rich and innovative portfolio of in-person programmes, and a selection of online courses in a range of innovative formats.

Who attends?

This programme is ideal for for the High Performance Managers, CEOs, Founders, COOs, Entrepreneurs and Directors who work in critical roles and need an intensive course to cover the key areas that drive success and profit in business today.

How to Apply

Submit your application through our online application form.

Wait for feedback from the admissions team within 48 hours.

Learning, Luxury and Leisure

Short Executive Programme for Globally-Focused Leaders



5-Star Hotel

5-Star Hotel







Study Pack

Study Pack

Case Studies

Case Studies



Prepare for an exciting experience

Gain the tools to build a positive environment with evidence-based techniques from our faculty and distinguished guest speakers.

The SEMP makes all the difference

Why is it that some leaders inspire success, while others struggle to motivate their people? Why do some organisations thrive where others fail? Most importantly, how can any of us be certain our organisations will survive an uncertain future?

Leading Businesses into the Future offers leaders new insights into these questions, with a ground-breaking blended format that offers both a comprehensive review of your organisation and expert-led sessions on how to succeed in the modern economy.


Discover the actions leaders must take to unite their people around meaningful work and steer their organisations to sustainable success.


Gain the tools to build a positive environment with evidence-based techniques from our faculty and distinguished guest speakers.

We help you create the leaders of tomorrow for your organisation. Drive your business towards growth with employee development. Our programs are designed to identify, train and help develop the necessary skills for your employees.

This programme has an emphasis on developing global perspectives to ensure that participants are well prepared for the unique challenges of leading and innovating in an ever-changing, international business environment.


Discover different stages of team development and leadership styles needed to move them toward success.


Your employees gain practical insights from industry-wide leaders about team development.

Who attends the SEMP?

Frequently Asked Questions

How to apply

Complete your application now to secure a seat at the SEMP programme.

Apply now

Not ready to apply? Learn more about the programme

We recommend you apply at least three months before the programme starts to guarantee your place. The application form will take approximately 15 to 30 minutes to complete.

We’ll acknowledge receipt of your application by email within 48 hours, if it’s received during normal working hours (Mon-Fri – 09:00-18:00 GMT). We will review and respond to your application within two working days. We do this in order of receipt and acceptance is not automatic.

Yes. We can hold a provisional place for you for up to two weeks, but be aware that completed applications take priority and programmes often fill up several months in advance. You can reserve a place online, by phone or by email.

The programme is taught in English, so a good working knowledge of the language is essential. If English is not your first language, we may ask you for evidence of your proficiency.

If you have any more questions, please read our FAQs here.

Read our full terms and conditions.

Why Dubai?

A hyper-connected pro-business hub, Dubai delivers efficiency, security and a forward-looking ecosystem for accelerated growth.

Learn fast
Learn fast
Online courses with compact learning chapters enable you to learn business skills faster than ever.
Study Online
Study Online
Get access to online study materials. All courses are 100% online and self-paced.
Global community
Global community
No conventional requirements needed, our courses are open to all ages, professions and citizenship.


Learners' Community







Learn more about the programme

New business models, innovations, and value have been produced in data-driven industries because of the advent of the digital economy, which has opened new opportunities for entrepreneurs.


The technology industry was the origin of the digital economy. Still, as new tools and techniques became more widely used and available, new digital businesses and entrepreneurs started appearing in various industries.


Serial venturing teams have evolved into digital entrepreneurs because of entrepreneurs' significant interest in finding possibilities where digital business models may be developed to unleash disruptive innovation.


Digital entrepreneurship has generated significant riches, but creating practical and long-lasting businesses is complex. This training offers information on the development of digital entrepreneurship, essential ideas, business models, and the resources required to create successful businesses.


As a venture team, the students will create a business strategy for a digital company and pitch this proposal to potential investors. Students who want to start their own business or work in innovative, digital companies should take this programme.



 Day 1

  • Entrepreneurship Definition
  • Digital entrepreneurship explained
  • The growth of entrepreneurship in online environments
  • The sharing economy and online commerce
Day 2
  • Creation, appraisal, and assessment of opportunities
  • Constructing value-capturing digital business models to maintain their competitive advantage
  • The conditions for digital entrepreneurship and the characteristics of entrepreneurial activity
  • Principal players, assets, and technology that will promote digital entrepreneurship
Day 3
  • Principal players, assets, and technology that will promote digital entrepreneurship
  • To build successful digital models, communities of practice, diversified venture teams, and socio-technical systems are required.
  • The contribution of digital enterprises to sustainable and social development
  • The process of creating and refining the business plan


Learning Outcomes:

Understanding and Knowledge

After finishing this course successfully, you'll be able to show that you know and understand:

  • The emergence and growth of the idea of digital entrepreneurship; the creation of distinctive digital business models; the standards for creating a successful digital business plan; and the presentation of business plans.
  • The knowledge and tools that are necessary for digital entrepreneurship.

General and Transferable Skills

After completing this course successfully, you will be able to:

  • Successfully participate in a peer workgroup.
  • Self-manage the improvement of learning and study skills individually and in a group setting.
  • Combine, examine, interpret, and evaluate data from various sources.
  • Identify personal characteristics that are relevant to digital entrepreneurship.

Knowledge of the subject matter and research abilities

After completing this course successfully, you will be able to:

  • Recognise, develop, and evaluate opportunities for digital commercial initiatives in various scenarios.
  • Examine, analyse, comprehend, and interpret the steps needed in starting a digital firm.
  • Analyse and understand various methods for developing digital business models.
  • Discuss topics important to the creation of new digital businesses with essential stakeholders.

Who should attend?

Aspiring Entrepreneurs - Whether you’re a first-time entrepreneur with the start of an idea or are exploring entrepreneurship, learn the language of the startup world.

- Early-Stage Entrepreneurs - Gain an overarching framework to evaluate opportunities, manage startups, and finance new ventures.

- Students - See what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur and determine whether starting a business or working for a startup, is the right path for you.

This module provides the most critical information about the study course and assignment submission.

  • Navigating the MSBM Study Portal

    Watch this video to gain further insight.

  • VIDEO - Course Structure and Assessment Guidelines

    Watch this video to gain further insight.

  • Interacting with Lectures/Learning Components

    Watch this video to gain further insight.

  • VIDEO - How to Avoid Plagiarism in Your Writing

    Watch this video to gain further insight.

  • Harvard Referencing Style Guide

    Watch this video to gain further insight.

  • How to Summarise - Assignment Guide

    Downloadable material to advance your understanding of this module.

  • Summarising, Paraphrasing, Quotation for your Assignment

    Downloadable material to advance your understanding of this module.

The aim of this unit is to develop learners’ understanding of strategic and change management models, as well as the ability to review strategic plans, to propose strategic options, to create implementation plans and to lead organizational changes.

  • CASE STUDY - Strategic Management Approach by TESCO

    Watch this video to gain further insight.

  • Analysing Business Environment and its Impact on Strategic Decision Making


  • Understanding the External Business Environment Dynamics

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Understanding The Internal Business Environment Dynamics

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • CASE STUDY - Staying ahead in a competitive environment

    Downloadable material to advance your understanding of this module.

  • CASE STUDY - McDonald's strategic partnership for innovation as competitive advantage

    Watch this video to gain further insight.

  • Understanding Market Situational Analysis and Organisational Position Measurement

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Analysing The Effects Of Exiting Plans On Organisation


  • Understanding Mandatory Competency & Competitive Advantage of An Organisation

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Understanding The Relationship Between Corporate, Business & Operational Strategies

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Understanding Strategic Models & Tools

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Analysing and deciding on the strategic options


  • Developing Appropriate Vision, Mission & Strategic Goals For An Organisation

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Developing An Agreed Strategy Plan For New Action Plan

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Proposing an Effective Structure For Building Efficient Relationships With Stakeholders

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • CASE STUDY - Ethics and CSR at Honda

    Downloadable material to advance your understanding of this module.

  • Understanding organisational strategic change management

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Implementing Strategic Plan

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • QUIZ - Strategic Management

    Put your knowledge to the test with this quiz. Read each question carefully and choose the response that you feel is correct.

The aim of this unit is to enable learners to apply financial principles relevant to management in an organizational context, including analytical techniques and theories/models of management accounting, evaluation of budgetary processes, recommending funding sources and appraising investment options.

  • Understanding cost system and its classification

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Concepts and Tools of Cost Accounting

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • CASE STUDY - Activity based costing in Xu Ji Electric Co. Ltd

    Downloadable material to advance your understanding of this module.

  • Understanding the Concept and Classification of Sources of Funds

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • CASE STUDY - Global Fund Raising Strategies

    Watch this video to gain further insight.

  • Understanding The Financial Performance Analysis

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • CASE STUDY - Financial Analysis Reporting

    Downloadable material to advance your understanding of this module.

  • Understanding the Financial Ratios and its Various Types

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Understanding The Budgetary Concepts and Approaches

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • CASE STUDY - How Maritz Accomplished a 40% IT Budget Reduction

    Watch this video to gain further insight.

  • Understanding the Working Capital Management

    This lecture explore the cycle to convert your capital and generate profits. 

  • Understanding the Investment Appraisal Techniques

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • QUIZ - Strategic Financial Management

    Put your knowledge to the test with this quiz. Read each question carefully and choose the response that you feel is correct.

This unit provides an in-depth understanding of the key principles and practice of leadership This will enhance the individuals’ knowledge, skills and attributes to effectively engage in the role and responsibilities required of an effective team player and leader of a team; being proactive in innovation and improvement to inform strategy and business planning within the organization.

  • Understanding the Principles, Concepts, and Approaches to Leadership

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • CASE STUDY - King of the Hill

    Downloadable material to advance your understanding of this module.

  • Understanding Leadership Influences: Individual, Team and The Organisation

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • CASE STUDY - How Google builds the perfect team

    Watch this video to gain further insight.

  • Leadership and organisational performance

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Ethical Decision Making And Organisational Value

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • CASE STUDY - Collaboration Shifts a Dysfunctional Culture

    Downloadable material to advance your understanding of this module.

  • QUIZ - Strategic Leadership

    Put your knowledge to the test with this quiz. Read each question carefully and choose the response that you feel is correct.

The aim of this unit is to develop learners’ understanding of how the effective strategic management of human resources supports the achievement of organizational objectives in different contexts. Learners will evaluate the contribution of strategic human resource management and the application of leadership and management theory for organizational benefit.

  • VIDEO - Human Resource Management Today - An Overview

    Watch this video to gain further insight.

  • Understanding the role of human resource management

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Role of Human Resource Management Strategy in an Organisation

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Contributions of HRM

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Business Dynamics Concerning The Human Resource Strategy

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Case Study - Real-time, authentic employee voice feedback

    Watch this video to gain further insight.

  • Determining Human Resource Requirements

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Fundamentals Of Human Resource Plan

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Legal And Ethical Requirements Of Human Resource Policies

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Human Resource Management And Organisational Strategy, Structure And Culture

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Effective Monitoring Of Human Resource Management Activities


  • People Development and Human Resource Management

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Case Study - Answering the Phone (Training and Development)

    Downloadable material to advance your understanding of this module.

  • Developing Human Resource Management, Recruitment and Selection

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Case Study: Solution for Recruiting Hard-to-Fill Positions

    Watch this video to gain further insight.

  • Employee Retention Concepts, Tools and Strategies

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Organisational Theory Underpinning Human Resource Management

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Leadership Practices In An Organisational Context

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Strategic Leadership And Organisational Development

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Exploring Purpose Of Leadership And Evaluating Human Resource Strategy

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • QUIZ - Strategic Human Resource Management

    Put your knowledge to the test with this quiz. Read each question carefully and choose the response that you feel is correct.

The aim of this unit is to develop learners’ understanding of the concepts, methods and technical aspects of strategic marketing and the challenges associated with marketing in today’s business environment, including how a strategy combines product development, promotion, distribution, pricing, relationship management, and other elements.

  • Fundamental Concepts in Marketing

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Understanding The Marketing Mix

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Understanding the Extended Marketing Mix

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Understanding External and Internal Environment for designing a market plan

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • CASE STUDY - How Starbucks is using pricing strategy for profit maximization

    Downloadable material to advance your understanding of this module.

  • Marketing planning and strategy

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Strategising for Marketing Operations

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Marketing Function Interrelationships and Entrepreneurial Marketing

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • The Strategic Marketing Process

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • CASE STUDY - MasterCard Global Targeted Content Marketing

    Watch this video to gain further insight.

  • Strategic Positioning In the Business Environment

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Segmenting And Targeting Strategies

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Fundamentals of Branding

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • CASE STUDY - Starbucks's Misunderstandings In Australia

    Watch this video to gain further insight.

  • Branding Decisions and Strategies

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • RESEARCH - Market entry strategies of passenger carmakers

    Downloadable material to advance your understanding of this module.

  • Understanding Brand Identity Personality And Positioning

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • Concepts in Digital Branding

    Self-paced pre-recorded learning content on this topic.

  • QUIZ - Strategic Marketing

    Put your knowledge to the test with this quiz. Read each question carefully and choose the response that you feel is correct.

This module prepares the learner to start and operate a business successfully.

This Programme has no strict Academic Requirements as it is a Non-Credit Bearing Programme. However, Students are expected to have working experience as a Team Lead, Supervisor, or Manager.


Please check with your Country’s Ministry of Foreign Affair to know if you require a UAE VISA to come into the country. 

If you do require a UAE Visa, kindly send down the following documents:

- Editable application form including DOB, Email ID, contact no, home address & signature.
- Scanned copy of your International Passport Data Page.
- E-copy of your Passport Photograph.

Your Visa and Hotel Confirmation Slip (if handled by us) and your Joining Instructions will be sent to you before the program commences.


Please check with your Country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to know if you require a UK VISA to come into the country. 

If you do require a UK Visa, kindly note that you are required to handle this on your own without any recourse to us.

We advise that Delegates already hold a UK Visa with at least 3 months validity before registering for the Programme.

Your Joining Instructions will be sent to you before the program commences.

SEMP Dubai Sample Certificate

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Get your course certificate
You will receive a highly valued digital certificate at the end of each course.
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Learn Practical Business Modules
Complete several modules ranging from Business Leadership and Managing People.
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Meet Global Executives
Meet world class Business Executives globally as you study the SEMP.

Connect. Collaborate. Create.

Internationally-renowned faculty. An exceptional student cohort. Challenge your perspectives and develop the skills to lead with confidence.

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