Special Executive Masters Programme (S.E.M.P)

These are short online certificate courses designed as a refresher course for those who have had their Masters a long time ago and need a quick reminder or a crash programme for those very experienced professionals who never made time out for their masters yet they require the academic and practical relevance of this masters' experience.

These programmes are geared at enhancing professionals' careers. The SEMP is an encapsulated Senior Management Programme with short certificate modules designed for anyone who would benefit from more in-depth business knowledge delivered in a short and intensive programme.

What makes us different ?

We are a world class business school located in the heart of London, Dubai, Islamabad and Lagos. We are one of the fastest growing British business schools with a stylish blended learning model that is both online and on campus.



Case Studies

Case Studies

Network with other Professionals

Network with other Professionals

Study Materials

Study Materials

24 hours Access to Lectures

24 hours Access to Lectures

24 hours Support

24 hours Support

Explore Special Executive Masters Programmes (Mini Master's) in Saint Barthelemy

32 Programmes

Learn Fast
Learn Fast
Online courses with compact learning chapters enable you to learn business skills faster than ever.
Study Online
Study Online
Get access to online study materials. All courses are 100% online and self-paced.
Global Community
Global Community
No conventional requirements needed, our courses are open to all ages, professions and citizenship.


Learners' Community





Executive Masters Sample Certificate

Get Your Course Certificate
Get Your Course Certificate
You will receive a highly valued digital certificate at the end of each course.
Learn Practical Business Modules
Learn Practical Business Modules
Complete several modules ranging from Business Leadership and Managing People.
Share Your Certificate
Share Your Certificate
Learn how to share your certificate on LinkedIn by clicking here

Student Category


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