
What makes us different ?

We are a world class business school located in the heart of London, Dubai, Islamabad and Lagos.
We are one of the fastest growing British business schools with a stylish blended
learning model that is both online and on campus.

Accredited Degrees

Accredited Degrees

Gain a degree which is recognized and accepted worldwide.

Low Fees

Low Fees

Get as much as 60% scholarship.

100% Assignment Based

100% Assignment Based

All modules are assessed via submitted assignments - there are no exams to write.

Easy Payment Structure

Easy Payment Structure

You can pre-structure your preferred payment option. Pay in easy instalments.

Graduate On Campus

Graduate On Campus

Celebrate your success by having your graduation on campus.

Dual Qualifications

Dual Qualifications

Earn a Master's Degree + International Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership

Explore Master's Degrees in Western Sahara

With the help of our online courses, you can learn new skills, explore your interests, or develop your profession.

Explore new skills, indulge your interests, or cultivate your profession with the assistance of our on-campus courses.

No Campus Courses Available!


The Master's degree courses are dual qualifications consisting of Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma (OFQUAL certificates) + Top-up programme awarded by partner universities. These programmes are a total of 180 credits.

Get access to complimentary library of 31,000,000+ Articles and Journals

Use the online learning resources collection provided by MSBM to unlock knowledge.

How to get started with your degree lectures

Building a business is hard. Training and getting the best out of your employees shouldn't be.

get started

How to get started with your degree lectures

Building a business is hard. Training and getting the best out of your employees shouldn't be.


Create a free account

Register to join our online learning platform by filling out our inquiry form.


Upload your document

Make available all necessary academic credentials on your student portal.


Receive conditional offer letter

The admissions panel will next evaluate your application. When you meet the requirements, a letter of offer confirming your enrollment in the program will be made public.


Make payment for tuition

The tuition must be paid within the allotted time frame. Greetings on your enrollment!


Attend lectures & live webinar classes

Attend lectures on your student portal and join our live webinar classes.


Assignment & Assessment

Login into your student portal to take your quiz and assignment..


Get your diploma/degree

Receive your globally recognized and WES evaluated certificate.

Learn fast
Learn fast
Online courses with compact learning chapters enable you to learn business skills faster than ever.
Study Online
Study Online
Get access to online study materials. All courses are 100% online and self-paced.
Global community
Global community
No conventional requirements needed, our courses are open to all ages, professions and citizenship.


Learners' Community







Dual Qualifications

Masters Degree Sample Certificate

Plus Icon

Masters Degree Sample Certificate

Get Your Degree

You will receive a degree certificate from MSBM and the Partner University.


Learn Practical Business Modules

Complete several modules ranging from Business Leadership and Managing People.


Study While You Work

Obtain a degree without necessarily leaving your country.


Student Category


22,759 Verified Reviews

The Metro Business - Articles you'll love

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