
Students can only defer their session on a course by up to 1 calendar year and can only defer their place on a course by up to 2 calendar years from the date of course commencement. This is subject to a written application; the payment of the deferral/administrative fee as well as the school’s approval. Under no circumstances will deferral be granted for a total of more than two (2) academic years.

Deferments are allowed for a limited time and are subject to Deferment fees as follows:

3 months – £100 Deferment Fees

6 months – £150 Deferment Fees

9 months – £200 Deferment Fees

1 year – £400 Deferment Fees

Between 1 – 2 years £600


Learners must apply to defer a Programme

Students must make an application for deferral at least 28 days (4 weeks) before taking their deferment.

Even if you defer your Programme, your ongoing payments terms or schedules should be adhered to strictly. Payments outside the payment terms/schedules as given on your Payment Tab on the MSBM Online Study Portal or your Invoice would be subject to an Administrative or Deferment Charges and any new Tuition Fee (both for MSBM Courses/Programmes and our 3rd party Top-ups Programmes) for that Academic year.

Deferment for up to 1 year

Within 1 year of deferment, from the commencement date of your Programme; your progress would be reset such that you would be required to take all of your lectures, quizzes and submit all of your assignments all over again.

Deferment for up to 1.5 years

Within 18 months of deferment, from the commencement date of the Programme; the new tuition fee for the programme enrolled for would become applicable and the difference in fee would then need to be paid up before you can re-enrol for the Programme and start the programme all over again.

Deferment for up to 2 years

Once you have deferred for up to 2 years from your Programme commencement date, you would no longer be considered a student. This means that failure to attend or take up the Course by the 24th month (2 calendar years) from your commencement/enrollment date would mean your initial Tuition Fee payment is forfeit.

Your deferment, once 2 calendar years is completed from your programme commencement date; would no longer be valid and you would have to re-register, pay the registration fee and pay the Tuition Fee afresh.

Applications to Defer

Applications for deferment, made less than 4 weeks after initial payment are subject to an administration charge deductible from the initial payment made and/or as stated on your Invoice or payment page.

No refund would be given for cancellations less than 14 days to the Programme and there would be an administrative charge for deferment to another Session. No refund would be given for cancellations once a student logs in to the MSBM Online Study Portal when the course enrolled for, has been activated on their Portal

Upon deferring their course, students waive their right to apply for a refund. Where a student has deferred their course, and subsequently fails or attempts to withdraw from the course NO REFUNDS WILL BE PROVIDED save in exceptional circumstances. The school has sole discretion in determining whether a student's circumstances are exceptional.